College Planning
College Planning
The goal of Ivy Talent’s college planning service is to clearly define and guide students through the steps they must take before applying to college while helping them to develop new skills. Working with professional education consultants throughout the process, students are actively engaged in this process. All consulting is personalized and tailored for each individual student.
College planning and advising begins once a student is enrolled in high school. From 9th through 11th grades, students work with planning consultants before transitioning to focusing on the college application process in the 2nd half of 11th grade or beginning of 12th grade.
All students in the college planning program at Ivy Talent Education utilize our online planning platform. This system allows students to track progress, communicate goals and information, view meeting notes, and take assessments while sharing this information with their families.
Ivy Talent’s college planning consultants provide guidance in all of the different aspects required for student success in high school and beyond, including, but not limited to the following areas:
Academic Guidance
Throughout a student’s high school career, they have a multitude of different course offerings to choose from. Ivy Talent’s consultants work with each individual student to help them focus their academic interests on areas they are good at and enjoy doing.
Course Selection
Ivy Talent’s consultants work with students on their course selections each year or semester, taking into account the balance between academic challenges and GPA.
Academic Analysis
Ivy Talent’s consultants have regular discussions about academic performance with students and their families. Academic performance analysis reports are created in order to provide clear academic improvement advice and suggestions for solving problems.
Academic Support
The Ivy Talent consultants will communicate directly with schoolteachers, tutors, and other academic staff to understand the student’s learning progress, provide suggestions on how to solve problems, and coordinate extra help or additional tutoring / academic support as needed.
Ivy Talent’s consultants work with students to help them make decisions about high school courses related to programs they are thinking about majoring in during college. If a student has not yet considered or does not know what they would like to major in during college, Ivy Talent’s consulting team will work with them and help them determine their interests through discussion, personality, and academic assessments.
Personal Development & Soft Skills Guidance
Students are encouraged to make full use of available school resources, actively participate in extracurricular activities, after-school clubs and community service, or create their own clubs to develop themselves using the combination of their interests and community resources.
Leadership Development
Students are instructed on how to actively participate in their school's internal leadership positions and develop organizational leadership skills.
Vacation Activity Guidance
Based on their individual interests, students will be given guidance in selecting and applying to summer vacation activities, including but not limited to high quality summer camps, summer schools, internships or interest development projects.
Contest and Competition Guidance
Based on each student’s academic interests and soft skills, students are encouraged to participate in both in-school and external competitions in humanities, writing, art, mathematics, science and other disciplines.
Working with Ivy Talent’s college planning consultants, students will develop their skills in many key areas including:
- Time management
- Critical thinking
- Global awareness
- Organization
- Self-awareness
- Personal Development like trying new activities and learning about new areas
- Becoming motivated and engaged learners
- Effective communication and collaboration in an academic setting